Get Lost in NYC

New York

“Get Lost” in NYC, well do not take this statement as wrong, rather it is a positive statement and the famous city of United States of America  which is New York is worth getting lost in it, as the city is blessed with so many places where one can visit as a tourist and enjoy his or her time. New York is famous for its gorgeous buildings, humorous/smiling people and of course continuous rush.

First of all as a visitor or a tourist the first place for you to visit is the central park, well with today’s digital world we live in, you can easily go to Google Map and search out the place, however if you wish you can ask from a citizen as well as New Yorkers are basically very polite and helping people. Once you reach the park, you have two options at your disposal, option number one is that you can go for a rented bike and option number two is that you can visit the park on walk. The park is a good place as far as relaxation is concerned, as it is blessed with colors of nature and other stuff which will surely make you feel good.

The second place to visit after the central park is the Museum Of Art, during peak hours the museum is crowded with lovers of art, artists and most importantly tourist. The place is good point where one can enjoy some nice paintings and art collection. So once you get out of the central park, relax yourself at the museum of art.

After visiting these two exciting places, the third option for you is the Fifth Avenue which is the most expensive street of the world we live in. it is actually a place where you will find a lot of shops belonging to different product, you can surely quench your thirst for shopping at the Fifth Avenue. Some placers to go at Fifth Avenue is Gucci and apple store etc.

The journey continues, the next stop for you is an amazing one, which is famous all over the world, the name of this amazing place is the empire state building, the building is the tallest one in New York City, as a visitor you can also go at the top of the building and enjoy the amazing view from the top of the building. From the top you can see the whole New York City at a single glance. However you need to be patient once you visit empire state building as you may need to wait in huge queues just for visiting the building.  For you information the building is open from 8:00 am till 2:00 pm.

The next place for you to visit is Times Square, visiting the Time Square will make you feel that you are at the center of the world. After visiting Times Square you can visit the 42nd street and visit Bryant Park. The park is an ideal place to visit in the season of winter; you can find clothes of handmade nature, special desserts and different kinds of jewelry in the park.  If you are fond of ice skating, then you will surely find that opportunity in this park.

What we have mentioned in this article is the tip of an iceberg, as New York is a very big city with countless places to visit. If you are planning to travel United States Of America in your next vacation, then New York city is surely waiting for you, so in your next vacation Get Lost” in NYC.

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